Stories Travel Information

Montreal Day 2

My final day in Montreal, before heading back to Toronto, was spent climbing up Mount Royal to get a really nice view over the city, something I really love to do. I am looking forward to doing this up CN tower back in Toronto.

It rained all day in Montreal, had it not I most definitely would have used the adult See-Saws, which have the lovely name of ‘Balançoires’ in french. Seeing these ‘Balançoires’ made me consider how as adults we should have more fun and do things that we enjoyed as a kid. When I build my shipping container house I am going to make sure it is a fun house, I am thinking of having slide instead of stairs.

Looking around the Montreal Art Contemporary was something I had been looking forward to doing, as well as a great way of getting out of the rain. It had some really interesting pieces of work. My favourites were the work called ‘Quarrel’ by Jeff Wall, I could really feel the emotion of the situation in his work. The second piece was by an artist called Patrick Bernatchez. What I liked about his horse picture was how it had movement of looking forward or back depending if the art work had the final blank frame on the left or right. It just caught my imagination and I liked the use of blank space.

After this I had some lunch in Second Cup before ging back to the hostel to pick up bag and head to the train station to catch my train which would take 5 hours to reach Toronto.

By Mark

The areas of life I am most interested in are great design, the golden ratio, minimalism, Pareidolia (faces in everyday objects), micro living and finally I will be searching for remarkable human beings who use the power of their mind to achieve amazing effects.

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